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Why do you choose Freelancing Job?

Updated: Jul 7, 2020

Why choosing Freelancing Job let me tell you my story ..

Hi I'm Ara Diaz and I'm here to tell you my own story why I'm choosing Freelancing job .

Freelancing offer me a different kind of opportunity to show my talent and also to take care my children while working , I worked Abroad but it seems that it will not help me a lot i earned money , yes definitely , but I cannot provide the love that they need I'm a single mother and leaving my children is very hard decision for me.

That's why I'm back here in the Philippines. Going back here is a risk because I'm too old enough to get hired here . While not having a permanent job i tried online selling though its okay from that start there are times I didn't earned enough money to give my children the things that they want and plus our situation because of corona virus. While uploading photos of my item on my page at smile shop i saw the adds about freelancing (FVA ACADEMY ) I join the page then i read different story , post about freelancing ,hiring , process and many tips to get hired YES I'm Enlighted about this and i know that this is my opportunity . But the problem is I don't have knowledge to start and also I don't have strength to start with this . I am zero knowledge that's why i give up "again" a few months after liking sharing their post my Instructor in college mention me in the comment he said that I'm win .. I said "winning in what?" because I'm not joining any kind of games or raffle something but luckily I'm win A FREE COURSE in FVA Academy worth 7000 pesos (Philippine money).

To make it short i start and I'm in the Batch 45 i learned a lot in FVA Academy They teach you everything , its hard but i know that its worth it they giving me a chance a new start ,a foundation and a knowledge that i can use in my journey . I love and i will miss the every week live session with my coach Grace Julmar I will always Thank you for giving me a chance and also for helping me with my journey I know that I'm not perfect but now I'm "shameless" like what you always said From a zero knowledge To a

General Virtual Assistant /Graphic Design artist here in AD Business Solution .

So why do i choose Freelancing job?

1. As you master your choosing Niche you can focus with that, learn, and find client at the comfort of your house

2.You can work and you will never worry about your looks or if its raining nor the traffic wont bother you.

3. If your the type of person who don't like gossip with your office mate this kind of job is for you.

4. You don't to have to worry about exposing your self with others so you don't need worry about Corona virus.

5. It allows for greater independence over a job.

6. You have FREEDOM

8. You can Control your work load

9. You have opportunity to show your other talent

10 Last and the most important you have time with your family specially with your children

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